Where do you deliver?
Currently we only deliver in Christchurch but we are looking to expand our delivery after the first set of orders go through.
Can I pay monthly instead of weekly?
Currently we only have a weekly payment system in place but there will possibly be a monthly option in the future.
What if i am a university or other institution who would like to purchase in bulk? is it an option?
Yes, we certainly can accommodate large orders! Please contact us regarding delivery location, dates, qty requirements and more.
What if I want different items in my Chest?
We are currently in the process of building our ‘build your own chest’ functionality, that’s next on our list of priority!
What if the bed I’m sleeping on isn’t a Queen size bed?
Then please contact us and we can arrange to put in the correct size bedding required. If you have already received your chest please keep the bedding sealed as you receive it (for hygiene reasons) and we can swap it out for the size required. This may or may not change the price.
Can I party with my chest?
Yes, the chests are plenty strong enough for those awesome parties you’re planning on throwing. We tested them with our very own Fridge!
What do i do with my chest once i’ve unpacked it?
It’s extra storage, its a piece of furniture, its a computer and TV stand. You can do what ever you want with it, put it in the living room with your flatmates chests and turn them into a coffee table. The chests are designed to last a lifetime, so where you move, it moves. Think of it as your first piece of furniture that is truly yours. If you moved overseas, its a sturdy piece to ship the breakables in!
(Disclaimer- we don’t promise a lifetime if you live to be 140, we can’t test for that yet!)